There are some great clubs available to get your student AND yourself involved in some great virtue and skill-building activities!

Little Flowers
Girls' Club
The St. James Little Flowers Girls Club is a fun catechetical program based on the spirituality of St. Therese of Lisieux. It is designed for girls PreK-4th grade and our goal is to bring the Catholic faith alive and to inspire girls to become authentic Catholic young women. Register by September 15
Little Women
Hospitality Program
Hospitality is a virtue that teaches us how to treat and love others. The St. James Little Women Hospitality Program is centered on the virtue of hospitality for girls 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. The girls will learn practical skills such as baking, cleaning, and setting a table; combined with stories of saints and prayer.
Register by September 15

Girl Scouts
If you are interested in your daughter joining Girl Scouts, please reach out to the grade level leader listed below:
2nd Grade Brownies - Dawn McElligott & Kirsten McCormick
3rd Grade Juniors - Tricia Rohan
4th Grade Juniors - Melissa McGowan & Melissa Sullivan
5th Grade Juniors - Hannah Sullivan
6th Grade Cadettes - Melissa McGowan
7th Grade Cadettes - Tricia Rohan
Cub Scouts
Pack 380 wants to invite any interested boys entering Kindergarten through 5th grade in the fall to join their pack! You don’t have to attend St. James/Seton school or have been in scouts previously to join.
Contact: Robert Klein