
The name of this organization shall be the St. James/Seton Home and School Association of Omaha, Nebraska; hereafter referred to as “Association”.
ARTICLE II: Mission & Objectives
The mission shall be to serve as an important bridge between home and school, promoting an environment of communication and support between the students, parents, teachers and administration.
The objectives shall be:
To promote Catholic Christian principles while serving families, faculty and staff of St. James/Seton.
To create and nurture a sense of community in our school.
To facilitate positive communication and working relationship between the home and the school.
To develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parental voluntary involvement.
To provide financial support for school functions and projects that promote student growth, education and development.
To promote fellowship among students, parents, teachers and administration.
ARTICLE III: Membership
The membership shall include all parents and guardians of current St. James/Seton (SJS) students, the faculty and administrative personnel of the school, and the Pastor and Associate Pastor(s) of St. James and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parishes.
Section 1: Membership Dues
The dues of the organization shall be determined by the Executive Board. Members submit dues on an annual basis, on or before September 1 each year. The fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30.
Section 2: Privileges
Members shall have the privilege of holding office, voting, and receiving membership benefits such as events, activities and communications. School administration and parish pastors are not entitled to vote or hold office.
ARTICLE IV: Executive Board
The Association is governed by the Executive Board.
Section 1: Officers
The officers composing the Executive Board of the organization shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past President.
Section 2: Functions of the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall direct and support the functions of the Association, including preparation of the yearly budget, approval of committee appointments, review committee activities and reports, report to the membership on necessary business, discuss proposed expenditures of the association funds, and other administrative details. The Executive Board may receive input from the membership on matters relating to the Association’s mission and objectives. Actions taken by the Executive Board between meetings shall be reported at the next scheduled meeting.
Section 3: Duties of officers
The duties of the officers are as outlined below. Officers are required to attend Executive Board meetings and maintain membership in good standing throughout the term of office.
President: Duties include, but are not limited to:
Oversee day-to-day functions and business affairs of the Association.
Preside at meetings of the Association and Executive Board.
Communicate with Executive Board, committees, members, school administration and Association business affiliates.
Conduct annual review of these by-laws.
Maintain list of all standing committees.
Serve as ex-officio member of all standing committees.
Represent Association to SJS Total Board of Education.
Vice President: Duties include, but are not limited to:
Assist the President in overseeing the Association.
Lead meetings in the absence of the President.
Prepare Association membership forms.
Serve as ex-officio member of all standing committees.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Executive Board.
Secretary: Duties include, but are not limited to:
Prepare meeting agendas.
Notify members of Association meetings.
Record and maintain minutes of all Association meetings.
Prepare meeting minutes. Once approved, distribute to membership.
Maintain list of current Association members.
Retain all related documents and correspondence for future reference.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Executive Board.
Treasurer: Duties include, but are not limited to:
Collect annual budget requests from Executive Board and Committees for upcoming fiscal year by May. Request from committees in March. Budget due by May.
Prepare annual budget and propose to Executive Board for approval in August.
Communicate with the school business manager regarding all approved expenditures and reimbursement.
Collect and record contribution forms.
Communicate cash reimbursement procedures with committee representatives.
Report treasury status at all meetings.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Executive Board.
Past President: Duties include, but are not limited to:
Act as a consultant providing past experience and knowledge as requested and needed by the current board.
Serve as advisor to the Executive Board for one year after service as President.
Attend Executive Board meetings and regular meetings.
Section 4: Eligibility to Hold Office
Parents and guardians of current SJS students are eligible to hold office. School administration and parish pastors are not entitled to hold office. If activities involve student interaction, officers must hold current Safe Environment certification from the Omaha Archdiocese.
Section 5: Election of Officers
Officer elections shall take place annually in March. Prospective candidates can be nominated or nominate themselves. The elected officers shall be installed and take office on June 1. All outgoing officers shall help with the transition and onboarding of new officers, meeting at least once to facilitate onboarding to the new position.
Section 6: Terms
Terms are defined as June 1-May 31. Members shall serve no more than three consecutive years in one office.
Section 7: Financial Considerations
Budget request must be submitted to the Executive Board to request funds for activities. Representatives are responsible for working within the approved budget. Request for reimbursement of funds must be submitted to the Treasurer within 30 days with original receipt of purchase. Treasurer will communicate with the school business manager to issue reimbursement. All monies belonging to the Association must reside with the school business manager and financial accounts. No officer shall receive any compensation for services to the Association, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses duly incurred on behalf of the Association’s business.
Section 8: Vacancies
Vacancies among elected officers will be filled by appointment and decision of the remaining officers of the Executive Board. If the President is not able to serve, the duties of that office shall be assumed by the Vice President. Such appointment shall be effective until the regular expiration of the term fulfilled. Persons who no longer have enrolled students at SJS or resign to the President result in vacancy.
Section 9: Loyalty
The duty of loyalty requires that an office act with best interest of the Association in mind. The officers must be willing to contribute enough time to serve the Association and further its work. The office must be willing to learn, grow, work well with others as part of a team, and have respect for each other and other members. They must be interested in all programs within the school, the education and the well-being of our children and our community. Within the internal discussion of the Executive Board, dialogue of various views is appropriate. When a decision has been made, all members are expected to support it.
Section 10: Removal
Any member may be removed from such office with cause, by a majority vote of the Executive Board at any regular or special meeting called expressly for that purpose. The name of the person proposed to be removed must be submitted to the Executive Board, Principal, and Pastor(s) at prior to a vote. Removal shall take place after the board has reasonably discussed the problem and all attempts have been made toward resolution.
ARTICLE V: Committees
Section 1: Committees
At the discretion of the Executive Board, standing committees shall be established, responsibilities defined and/or delegated, or dissolved as necessary to promote the objectives of the association. Special committees may be established at the discretion of the Executive Board to provide support for a project or serve as a focus group for a particular topic.
Section 2: Duties of Committee Chairpersons and Members
The duties of the chairpersons and committee members shall plan and execute activities to fulfill the purpose of the Committee they represent, and other duties as requested by the Executive Board. Chairpersons and committee members are required to attend meetings and maintain membership in good standing throughout the term of office.
Section 3: Eligibility to Hold Office
Parents and guardians of current SJS students are eligible to hold office. School administration and parish pastors are not entitled to hold office. If activities involve student interaction, officers must hold current Safe Environment certification from the Omaha Archdiocese.
Section 4: Appointment of Committee Chairpersons and Members
Committee chairpersons and members shall be appointed on a volunteer basis by the Executive Board and shall serve through the completion of their duties. No committee or committee members shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Association on any matter without prior approval of the Executive Board.
Section 5: Terms
Terms are defined as June 1-May 31. Members shall serve no more than four consecutive years in one office, unless no other member is willing to serve.
Section 6: Financial Considerations
Budget request must be submitted to the Executive Board to request funds for committee activities. Representatives are responsible for working within the approved budget. Request for reimbursement of funds must be submitted to the Treasurer within 30 days with original receipt of purchase. Treasurer will communicate with the school business manager to issue reimbursement. All monies belonging to the Association must reside with the school business manager and financial accounts. No volunteers shall receive any compensation for services to the Association, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses duly incurred on behalf of the Association’s business.
Section 7: Vacancies
Persons who no longer have enrolled students at SJS or resign to the President result in vacancy. Vacancies will be filled by decision of the Executive Board.
Section 8: Removal
Any member may be removed from such office with cause, by a majority vote of the Executive Board at any regular or special meeting called expressly for that purpose.
ARTICLE VI: Meetings
Section 1: Executive Board Meetings
Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held on a day that accommodates the majority of the Executive Board. Meetings are open to all members.
Section 2: General Meetings
General meetings shall take place as scheduled by the Executive Board. All members are encouraged to attend.
Section 3: Quorum
A quorum is required for formal actions of the Association and shall be a minimum of 3 Executive Board members, including the President or Vice-President.
ARTICLE VII: Parliamentary Procedures
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters in which they are applicable and not in conflict with these bylaws.
ARTICLE VIII: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided quorum is present. Prior notification must be provided to the membership at a previous meeting or sent by mail or email three weeks in advance. - membership
ARTICLE IX: Adoption
These bylaws shall be effective upon adoption. These bylaws shall be deemed adopted by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at the meeting following the presentation thereof. The membership of the officers and Executive Board constituted at the time of the adoption shall continue in effect until the time for election of new officers and Executive Board members as provided herein. - membership
ARTICLE X: Liability
The private property of the officers and Executive Committee members of the Association shall not be subject to the payment of Association debts. Officers and Executive Committee members shall be immune from civil liability to the extent allowed by the laws of the State of Nebraska.
ARTICLE XI: Dissolution
If for any reason the St. James/Seton Home and School Association is dissolved, all property thereof belonging to the chapter shall automatically be transferred to St. James/Seton School, at 4720 N 90th Street, Omaha, NE 68134.