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The SJS Home & School Association's mission is to serve as a network of parent volunteers whose purpose is to provide and environment of support and communication between families, students, teachers, and staff.
​Functions shall:
Promote Catholic Christian principles while serving students, teachers, and staff.
Create and nurture a sense of community in our school.
Facilitate positive communication between the home and school.
Encourage voluntary involvement and financial support.
Promote fellowship among parents and school staff.

Textbooks, Desks & Lockers
Provide funding to upgrade equipment
An evening of short stories and treats, with after-hours opportunity to shop the spring book fair
Sycamore Software
Major financial contributor for all school software
Chrome Carts
Computer Lab
Gym Sound System
Provide funding to upgrade equipment


Playground Equipment
Purchase recess equipment for all classes. Fun GaGa Pit, mulch and sod.
Fund bus expenses for field trips
Key contributor for the new gymnasium floor
New Family Ice Cream Social
Ice cream social and meet and greet for new families
First Day of School Parent Social
Coffee and breakfast for parents on the first day of school
A safe and fun place to trick-or-treat with all of your SJS friends!
Classroom Holiday Parties
Celebrate Halloween and Valentine’s Day with tasty treats for classroom parties
Catholic Schools Week
All school social activity and sponsor teacher appreciation gifts
Confirmation Receptions
Social celebration after Confirmation for students and families


Nest Fest
Student walk-a-thon. Percent of profits go towards a school improvement project
Coupon Books
SaveARound coupon books that really pay off, sold each your in the fall
TAGG & Amazon Smile
Earn money for our school with the shopping you already do
Dine Out Nights
Dine in or take out at local restaurants to support SJS
Fall Boutique
Fall craft fair held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton church
Craft Day
Complete your to-do list! Rent a table and spend a day crafting with friends
​​Christmas Cookie
Thousands of baked goods are delivered to SJS neighbors and friends​
Winter Service Project
Coordinate holiday community service project for each class

​Class Representatives
Grade level reps from each grade to join in the HSA meetings to bring valuable info from your grade to the meeting.
Bridged Communication
The important connection between home and school, including Parents of SJS Facebook group
Discover SJS
Promote SJS clubs, organizations and school activities
School Directory
Key school information and family contact information for birthday parties, babysitters, playdates and more
Eagles Wings Luncheons
Sponsor monthly teacher luncheon
Teacher Appreciation Week
Special recognition and celebration for teaching staff
Birthday Club
Gifts to commemorate their special day
Christmas Cheer
Provide holiday gift for each staff member
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Dinner is provided for each both fall and spring conferences

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